Frequently asked questions

What are your opening hours?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
How long does it take to look around?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
How long does it take to look around?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
Are there printed or audio guides?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
Do you give talks?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
Is there a shop or cafe?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
Do you have anywhere to store luggage?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
How accessible is the museum?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.
Is the museum suitable for families?
We have a small gift shop where you can buy a range of Bank of England related items. We don't have a cafe but there are places to buy drinks or sandwiches nearby. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum.