These are the Historic images of Golol Gallery and the journey it took to where we are today. We will be uploading Past and Present photos to illustrate the Golol Galleries story.

The Gallery was established to motivate the young generation to take up the mantle and rediscover their artistic passion for narrating their own stories

Just before the Somali Civil War, the gallery was thriving, providing training and hope to hundreds of young people. It housed over 1,123 valuable artifacts and paintings and served as the social and cultural hub of the capital city.

As one of the main voices opposing the regime, the gallery was burned and looted during the civil war. Over 90% of the artworks and artifacts were destroyed or stolen. Ali Said Hassan dedicated himself to transporting the remaining pieces around the world to ensure their safety and preserve the stories and voices of the nation.

It is one thing to preserve the cultural art of a society; however, it is quite another to do so during periods of political instability and socioeconomic hardship. The first exhibition was held in Rome and Milano in 1997.

From Italy, the artworks were moved to Germany, where Ali Said Hassan hosted two exhibitions in Frankfurt in 2001. He dedicated his time and resources to preserving and storing the art pieces in his homes in Italy and Germany for over two decades.

After smaller exhibitions in Nairobi and Lund, Sweden, the first major exhibition showcasing the artwork and stories of the Golol Gallery was held during the inaugural Somali Awards in London.

A Heritage
Golol Gallery is now commemorating more than forty years of commitment to the advancement of arts and culture. We accomplished this as a not-for-profit organization, without the assistance of donors or philanthropic partners.
Join us in showcasing these remarkable paintings and artifacts, distinguished by their profound historical significance and unique craftsmanship. Created using organic oils derived from sesame and natural hues, these pieces bridge the captivating stories of the past with the aspirations of today’s youth. The gallery’s collection stands as a testament to the resilience of expression in the face of adversity, emphasizing the vital importance of cultural preservation and the enduring power of freedom of expression.